Boards are under increasing scrutiny and pressure. We can help you by leading governance reviews, strategy workshops or Trustee training sessions.
'David has worked closely with us for over five years delivering governance reviews to Digi-Board’s clients. He is our most highly valued and trusted associate for so many reasons. We have shared values, which we live and work by.' Helen Michaels, MD for Digi-Board
'As the incoming Chair, I found Digi-Board a valuable and insightful tool. Our results were very positive, but the recommendations gave us a really helpful framework for further improvements to our practice and processes.’ Shaun O'Leary, Chair, St Wilfrid’s Hospice (Eastbourne)
‘We were aware that several aspects of our existing legal status and operations needed to be updated, both for the charity itself and for our trading company.
David provided a series of recommendations based on his knowledge of governance that have enabled the Board to clearly plan our way forward. His active engagement throughout the process was of great benefit and we are now looking forward to the next chapter in the development of the charity.’
‘We wanted to review and refresh our approach to governance and how Trustees and the Executive work together. David ran three workshops, one for each group and then a combined one. His sector knowledge together with an enthusiastic style made all the sessions enjoyable, as well as resulting in a large number of really positive actions we can now take forward.’ Geraldine Crawford, Trustee
‘The Trustees were keen to understand how our new strategy related to the challenges facing the hospice sector in these unpredictable times. With several new additions, they also wanted to be updated on their duties and responsibilities. David was an excellent lead facilitator. His knowledge and experience of the hospice sector and charitable governance proved of real benefit and really helped ensure the success of our time together.‘ Lynn Kelly, CEO